To start the process of giving you a quote, please answer the following questions:
Name of Business/Organization: Contact information for the business/organization including address, phone, email, website, etc.: What is Your Business Entity? Sole ProprietorLLCLLPS-CorpC-Corp If business is a non-profit, do you receive grant funds now? YesNoNot a Non-Profit If not, do you plan to receive grant funds in the future? YesNoNot a Non-Profit
Is this a 501-c3 company? YesNo Have tax forms 990 or 1120 been filed for the business/organization in the past? YesNo Are your tax returns current? YesNo When is the last year taxes were filed? Describe what your business does: Are there any other organizations that operate under the organization such as a daycare, shelter etc? YesNo Have you had payroll staff in the past? YesNo If so, payroll schedule? # of employees , bank accounts , and credit cards? Does business have a PayPal account? YesNo Does business use a Square account or any other credit card payment processing program? YesNo Does business have any loans/leases (example: car loan, mortgage/land loan, equipment loan, etc.)? YesNo What is fiscal year end month for organization? Is this a new business? YesNo If not, when established? How do you prepare your invoices? (A/R) How do you pay your bills? (A/P) Do you have inventory? YesNo Do you report sales tax? YesNo Have you had a bookkeeper for this business/organization in the past or currently? YesNo If so, why did they leave or you switch? When would you like for services to begin?
Footprints Bookkeeping Services LLC Office: 785-266-5574
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